February 11, 2016

First post !


This is my first blogpost so I'm going to use this post to introduce myself to you and to tell you what you can expect from me in the future.

My name is Raven (this is not my real name but it's been my nickname for a very long time and I've been using it on social media for a while now), I'm a 22-year-old girl from Belgium with a passion for fashion, beauty and travelling. My first language is Dutch, but I will be writing my posts in English for two specific reasons.

1. I believe that there are a lot more people out there that speak English than Dutch so, by doing my posts in English I might be able to reach more people.

2. I am studying to become an English teacher and by writing my blog in English I hope my English will improve.

So, please excuse my language mistakes (for now).

What you can expect from me in the future are posts about fashion, beauty and travelling but I will also cover burlesque-related topics, DIY's and lots of other cool topics. 
I will post every monday and thursday.

If you are interested in any of the topics mentioned above, make sure to check out this page regularly.

Thanks for reading.

xoxo Raven Romance

p.s.: you can also follow me on social media, I will post the links somewhere on this page

This is me!